
The real aim of the Private Bill is to centralise its power so it controls who sits on the Board of Trustees.

It also intends to commercialise its operations. The reason for the General power is so that it can borrow money (amongst other activities) and becomes livestock farmers with sheep and cattle. Hence the desire to be able to fence large areas of the Hills and Common land. All this whilst still expecting the levy from the Public.

For those with Common land nearby, there is cause to be concerned with the general power… would allow easements to abound. The intention it seems, is to be able to sell easements to allow housing developers access to fields previously inaccessible, in return for very substantial financial rewards running into millions of pounds; one third of the uplift value of the land with houses on. That appears to be one way they intend to fund their ‘empire building’.

Be aware of what was said in 1993 when such powers were last sought. Such comments are as applicable now as they were then. ‘…conservators may sell off land and may apply the proceeds of the sale of that land as income…an outrageous suggestion’ (Hansard 1993). Also, ‘An aspect of concern being promoted is one of land acquisition and land disposal. … the provision opens the field widely. Future conservators might be constrained by pressures to sell a substantial area. The Bill would permit them to do so’.

To date, there has not been any research into the unintended consequences of the Private Bill.

With a dual focus on commercial operations and finance, rather than on the preservation of the Hills and Commons, Malvern could be ruined forever.

We urge you to consider very carefully all the information on this website and sign our petition if like us, you share our concerns. These changes would be truly devastating for Malvern.

Similarly, we urge you to think very carefully over the the Consultation questionnaire; the Public deserve better.

We need to see a copy of the draft Bill.


Malvern Gazette letters re. Private Bill