Taking Action

Every voice is important when it comes to taking action to oppose the Private Bill by the Malvern Hills Trust. The impact of the Bill would ruin Malvern forever. It is more about commercialising something that the original Conservators had never intended, a power grab and seizing control than it is in looking after the Hills and Commons. The 5 Acts of Parliament have served the area well in preserving the Hills and Commons for many years. Sadly it falls on us to take action instead of relying on the Trust to do what is right. There are several ways in which you can help us-these are outlined below:

Guidance document for MHT Consultation Questionnaire

The link to the questionnaire is below:

MHT Questionnaire

About the Petition

The petition reads as follows

We, the undersigned, are opposed to the Private Bill as currently proposed by Malvern Hills Trust (Conservators) because:

  • Of the subjugation of Public Body status and the protection/conservation of the ‘natural aspect.’

  • insufficient timeframe for meaningful Public Consultation and debate.

  • Lack of transparency in respect of the process to date and the implications of the additional powers sought.

  • The additional powers sought are beyond the remit of what the Conservators were set up for and publicly funded by a levy to achieve.

  • The proposals deviate from the 4 fundamental objectives (ie. Purposes as to why the Conservators were set up in the first place, as in the existing Acts) and are not in the best interests of the Trust and contrary to current legislation.

We therefore request that any further progress with the Private Bill is halted forthwith, and proper engagement with stakeholders ensues. Plans to submit a Bill to Parliament for 27 November 2024 should cease forthwith.