Malvern Gazette letters re. Private Bill

Many local people have concerns over the Private Bill that is being sought by Malvern Hills Trust.

Essentially MHT are trying to commercialise their mode of operation at the expense of the tax payers of Malvern.

-Our primary concern and the most serious issue is the desire to obtain a General Power. Although, the consultation document refers to it being restricted, in practice, it will not be. Once a General Power is permitted, any restrictions can be removed without debate.

-MHT are seeking a power to secure and fence the Commons; also a power to purchase land which will not be for public access

-The Precept payers of Malvern will lose their elected representatives from the Wards and Parishes that elect them, despite remaining as tax payers

There should be ‘No taxation without representation’

-Changing the wording of the Natural aspect, one of the fundamental objects of the 5 Acts of Parliament.

-Public Meetings will no longer be routinely held in public. In fact Meetings of Trustees are already being held behind closed doors and unminuted 2 or 3 days ahead of a Meeting, so at the Meeting it is all about Trustees proposing and seconding recommendations with no discussion.

There have been a number of letters appearing in the Malvern Gazette in recent weeks all expressing their concerns over the pending Private Bill.




MEPG and the Consultation questionnaire