The Malvern Hills Trust Private Bill will mean:

Loss of our green space, more building and loss of control by local people

Preserving Nature's Beauty for Future Generations will no longer be paramount

URGENT action required

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Introduction to the Private Bill issues

proposed by Malvern Hills Conservators(Trust, MHC/MHT)

All residents of Malvern, whether Levy payers or not, are right to be concerned about the Private Bill and its implications for Malvern and its surroundings.

The future of the Malvern Hills and Commons is about to be determined by ‘The Bill’ currently being proposed by MHT. It is possibly the most important change in legislation since quarrying was stopped or even since the Conservators were established in 1884. Whilst there may be merit in some changes, without seeing the draft Bill it is impossible to judge, but significantly and worryingly, there is cause for grave concern.

There may be an argument for a Consolidation Act which would bring all 5 Acts of Parliament together WITHOUT changing the law in any way, but what is proposed is a brand-new Act NOT a Consolidation Act.

The five Acts of Parliament though dated, are a proven quantity and have served the Conservators, the Hills and Commons well for over a century. That is their strength. To date, there has been no evidence to suggest that the original intentions of these 5 Acts are not fit for purpose.

More importantly, and of greater concern, is that the Private Bill goes way beyond consolidation encompassing new powers and commercialisation; a path that has been trodden by councils such as Birmingham and Woking which have subsequently gone bankrupt.

Furthermore, no adequate explanation has been made by Malvern Hills Conservators for the significant and substantial changes they wish to make. One reason quoted for wanting a Private Bill was the ability to fundraise, BUT in fact, MHC first registered with the fundraising regulator in 2019 which was still valid until 31 May 2024. Hence, they can already fundraise, they do not need a new Bill. Indeed, by registering with the fundraising regulator, MHC are undertaking to fundraising ‘in a way that is legal, open and honest’. (Fundraising regulator website)

Consultation Process:

Effectively we are being asked to comment on a Bill we haven’t yet seen. Much is made of the fact that certain Trustees have been working on this for most of the last ten years.

The question arises then, why couldn’t a full and proper Consultation have been undertaken several years ago.

-The Private Bill is now substantially complete. Therefore public comment on anything which  has already been ‘endorsed’ by the Board is likely to be treated with scant regard.

-a less than adequate risk/benefit exercise to date

-no research on the unintended consequences of this Private Bill

-implementing the changes will cost the Precept payers even more (on top of the costs of the Bill)

-the General powers requested are not specified, they are open ended, a factor that could be exploited in due course. These would and will change the reason for the existence and purpose of the organisation.


Preserving Our Hills and Commons: Protecting Nature, Heritage, and Well-being for Future Generations.

Our mission is to try and ensure that the natural aspect of the Hills and Commons is preserved as laid down in the MH Acts of Parliament. This is the first object of the Acts which has stood Malvern in good stead over the last 140 years. Who knows the impact that a change to this tried and tested phrase would mean for Malvern.

Keeping the ‘natural aspect’ is vital for maintaining the ecological health, cultural heritage, and recreational value of these landscapes. These areas provide essential habitats for diverse flora and fauna, supporting biodiversity and ecological resilience. They also hold historical and cultural significance, reflecting the heritage and traditions of the region. Additionally, the hills and commons offer invaluable spaces for outdoor activities, promoting physical and mental well-being for the community. By safeguarding these natural treasures, we ensure that future generations can experience and enjoy the serenity offered by the beauty of these landscapes.

Changes to the Governance hidden behind closed doors.

The Governance changes proposed by the Malvern Hills Trust have put our beloved hills at risk, as they aim to significantly alter their operations towards commercialisation. These changes have been conducted under a veil of secrecy, intending to proceed without the approval of the local residents and at a cost to them of upwards of £800 000, despite the fact that we elect some of the Trustees on the Board.

Are you ready to take action?

It doesn’t take a lot to do your part to help protect our Hills and Commons. You can join our group by signing up for our newsletter and most importantly sign our ongoing petition to STOP THE BILL by the Malvern Hills Trust. For more information please check how you can take action now!

“ ……and then I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”

-Vincent Van Gough

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